What Is It Like to Be Evicted?
How would you feel if you and your family faced eviction or foreclosure? Unfortunately, this became more common when the moratorium in place during the pandemic was lifted. During a three-month period, 845 Writs of Eviction were issued in Fairfax County. When the Fairfax County Sheriff’s Department serves the eviction notice, the family usually has 48 hours to vacate. Locks can then be changed, and any belongings in the property are typically lost.
Anne, an older widow with lung cancer, was evicted from her home and, in the process, lost most of her furniture and possessions. Her situation was brought to our attention. Working with another non-profit, we were able to find an intermediate housing solution until she could move into a longer-term situation. Stephanie, her partner, and three children were facing eviction because of a significant backlog in unpaid rent. We assisted her in working with Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) to find emergency housing. We also helped her find a place to store the family’s furniture and possessions after eviction.