Fairfax County Health Department TEST
Fairfax County Health Department in partnership with Inova, Lions Club, For Eyes, LensCrafters and MyEyeDr offers a basic eye exam and glasses to county residents who meet the eligibility criteria. To be eligible for this service, you must be a Fairfax County resident and meet income eligibility. To learn more about eye care services, contact the Health Department Family Assistant Worker (FAW) at 703-246-7127
Inova Cares Lions Eye Clinic
Location: 3299 Woodburn Road, Suite 150 Annandale, VA 22003
Phone: (703) 876-2700
Hours : Monday – Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon
The Inova Cares Lions Eye Clinic provides free eye care to uninsured adult patients who are at or below 400% of the FPL. Clinic patients must be referred by a local FQHC or community safety net partner. The clinic is staffed with a bilingual receptionist, an ophthalmic technician and a part-time, employed ophthalmologist. In addition, numerous volunteer specialist physicians help care for our patients. The Inova Cares Lions Eye Clinic provides free comprehensive ophthalmic care, including laser, medical and surgical care for all types of conditions of the eye.
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired
The Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired provides vision rehabilitation to visually impaired seniors seeking independence in their own homes, working age sight impaired individuals wanting to work or to return to work and to visually impaired children in the public school system. The state vision rehabilitation program is open to all residents of –Virginia who are referred directly to the offices of DBVI by their eye care providers, disability officers or public school itinerant vision teachers. Information about the programs or how to get referred is available by calling 703-359-1100.
Low Vision Services PLC
Location: 105 South Alfred St, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-652-7803
Dedicated to the vision rehabilitation of those who are visually impaired. We serve patients that are diagnosed with either a chronic eye disease or a congenital vision condition who are seeking vision rehabilitation beyond the use of conventional glasses and/or contact lenses.
Equipment to diagnose the severity of blind spots (scotoma) in macular degeneration has been provided to the newly established Low Vision Learning Center of the POBS in Old Town Alexandria. Additional support in terms of loaner visual aids as well as transportation assistance through taxi vouchers for individuals unable to drive has also been provided to the center.